
A Time Change and a Gift

How do you share the Gospel? Do you share the Good News as a religious correction, or as new information about a Gift that was hidden for a long time? Jesus says that through him a new Time has come in which men and women of all nations may come to know and worship the Father, by receiving this gift of the Holy Spirit. God, our Father, doesn‘t make a difference if you are a man or a woman, or if you are from a biblical culture or not. A new time has come for us to know God in truth. He is no longer ‘hidden’. Now we can all worship him together as our Father in the Spirit.  –Johanna Duran-Greve (Germany)

To help you get an idea of what new things you will discover as a member, the following symbols will indicate where the detailed versions of the first five meditations contain: {B} an expanded Scripture text; {√} additional information: {r} additional Bible text reference(s); {”} an additional Greek or Hebrew word; {ƒ} one or more additional footnotes; {m} one or more additional links to other meditations. To learn more about becoming a member click here.


{B}The Samaritan woman said..., ‘How can you, being a Jew, ask for a drink from me, a Samaritan woman?’ For Jews do not use things together with Samaritans. ·Jesus answered, ‘If you knew the gift of God, and who it is that says to you, “Give me to drink”, you would have asked him and he would have given you living water’... ·Whoever drinks this water will get thirsty again ·The water that I shall give... will be an internal spring of water welling up towards eternal life.’ (John 4:9-10,13-14 GH[i])

Jesus said..., ‘Go! Call your husband and come back.’ ·‘I have no husband,’ the woman answered. ‘Truly you say, "I have no husband",’ he said; ·’for you have had five husbands, and the one you have now is not your husband. You thus spoke the truth.’ ·‘Sir,’ the woman replied, ‘I see that you are a prophet. ·Our fathers worshipped on this mountain, yet YOU{ƒ} say that Jerusalem is the place where one ought to worship.’ ·Jesus said to her, ‘
A Time is coming when YOU{ƒ} will worship the Father, neither on this mountain nor in Jerusalem. ·YOU worship One YOU do not know; we worship One we know, for salvation is from the Jews. ·But a Time is coming, and is here, when true worshippers will worship the Father in Spirit and truth [Gr. a-leetheia]. For the Father is also seeking such ones as these, who worship him·{B}
in Spirit and truth.’ (Jn.4:16-24 GH)

{B}The Samaritans
begged him to stay with them. So he stayed there two days; ·and because of his word
 ·they said
, ‘Now we
can see that this one truly is the savior of the world.’ (Jn.4:40-42 GH)


In many cultures and countries, there is a day in the spring when the time changes. Yet when that day arrives, there are many people who arrive late for their Sunday activities (church or sport club). And they miss out on something because they did not pay attention to the Time Change.{√}{r}{m}

The Time Change announced in this text would involve a change for both Jews and Samaritans—indeed, all ethnic groups.[ii] For it would alter the orientation of worship for both ethnic groups {√}{r}{m}—away from a focus on their respective earthly religious centers and towards a focus on God as Father. Jesus did not come to correct human religious observances but to announce the advent of a new Time, one that ushered in a new kind of relationship with the Father—through Jesus and by the Spirit.{√}

In speaking to a woman about this Time Change Jesus also demonstrates that ‘the gift of God' and the ‘internal well of water’ are for women as well as men. Both images refer to the coming of the Spirit at Pentecost, which proved to be for women as well as for men (Med.#49). Thus, knowing the Father is not about a reaffirmation of patriarchal religious relationships or male dominance. It is instead about both men and women becoming ‘co-heirs’ (1 Pet. 3:7) in the Spirit.{√}{r}{m}

Because this great Day of Pentecost was still in the future, Jesus spoke of this Time Change as still 'coming'. But he could also speak about it as already 'here' because he himself had just been baptized with the Spirit.{√}{r}{m} And by his baptism in the Spirit, he became a living demonstration of the new level of human relationship with the Father that would soon come to us too. Jesus did not just come to proclaim his special relationship to the Father; he came to bring many sons and daughters to glory (Med.#7; 2 Cor.6:18).{√}{r}{m}

The Time Change is also about knowing and worshipping the Father in Truth. The Greek word for ‘truth’ [Gr. a-leetheia]. means 'not-hidden' (Med.#2){r}. To worship the Father in this way, we need to receive the ‘Spirit of revelation’ Paul spoke of (Med.#1){r}—in order to see and put our faith in ‘the Mystery’ that God had previously kept hidden: that the nations [Gr. ethne] are heirs-together' (Med.#6).{√}{r}{m} And in the Spirit of being co-heirs, we must follow Jesus' example in how we share the Gospel with people of other nations and ethnic groups—in a way that doesn’t make my group seem superior to ‘theirs’.

The woman in this story came from a minority ethnic group that was used to having her Jewish neighbors tell Samaritans how wrong they were in their religious ideas and practices.{r}{√} So Jesus does not begin by talking about her sin, or about how her sin problem needed to be fixed. Rather he starts with a picture of the Holy Spirit—the ‘gift’ that God wants to give her through him. And when he does speak of her broken past, it is not to remind her that she is a sinner, but to let her know that God knows her.{√}{r} And he knows about the abuse[iii] in her past, as well as her own sin. Next, he talks about how, through the Time Change, both her ethnic group (‘YOU’, plural) and (‘we’) Jews will worship the Father together in a new way. Only over the next two days does he speak about being the ‘Savior of the world’.{√}{ƒ}

Have you come to know the Father in Spirit and Truth? Have you had a revelation of the Time Change that Jesus brought? Or are you still intimidated by traditional religious ideas, or by the religious practices of a neighboring group? And when you share the Gospel with people of other ethnic groups, what do they hear: something about a new relationship with the Father for all nations; or just more ‘religious correction' by someone from a ‘holier’ ethnic or religious group?


Jesus, I believe you when you say, 'The Time has come to worship the Father in Spirit and Truth. (Jn.4:23)

God of our Lord Jesus Christ, glorious Father, give me the Spirit of revelation so that I may fully know you. And open the eyes of my heart that I may know the riches of your glorious inheritance in the saints. (Eph.1:17-18)


[i] The whole Scripture Passage is taken from J.K. Mellis, The Good News of the Messiah by the Four Witnesses, pp.42-44.

[ii] {√}{r}Luke used the Greek word ethnos to refer to Samaritans (Act.8:9) and to Jews (10:22). The word simply means ‘nation’ or ‘ethnic group’. So this story is not just about inter-personal evangelism, but in it Jesus also gives us a very helpful model for inter-cultural evangelism and relationships (see 'Learning to Share the Good News in a Muslim Context'){√}{r}{”}

[iii] {√}In the culture of her day, it was almost always the man who had the power to divorce the woman. Jesus words both affirm her and reveal the abuse in her past—not just her sin.