Chapter 1

Introductory Meditations

The Tenakh (The Old Testament) provides only a very limited foundation for knowing God as our Father. So these first ten meditations have been chosen to broaden the foundation to include the new level of relationship with the Father that Jesus came to demonstrate, proclaim and make available to us.

These 10 meditations cover 30 of the 276 references to the Father in the New Testament. The context of the 9 references to the Father in Med.#9, however, will be explored further in later meditations.

The Format

Each meditation is introduced by a short video and a summary of the meditation by one (or more) of my former students.

Each meditation begins with a Scripture portion, and any references to the Father in it are highlighted in bold.

Each meditation ends with a prayer, taken from several Bible texts. I encourage you to pray this prayer out loud.

Bible translation reminders

The word 'YOU' in capitals in the Scripture passage indicates that the second person in the Greek text is plural. A group of people is being addressed. When you see a 'you' in lower case, you know that the Greek is singular, and a single individual is being addressed.

The translation being used is indicated with an abbreviation. PH and GH refer to my own translation for the Gospel 'harmony' and the 'harmony' of Paul's life and letters that I have produced. Whenever  a scripture passage is taken from the already published Gospel harmony (GH)—The Good News of the Messiah by the Four Witnessesthe page number(s) will be listed in a footnote at the bottom of that meditation.

See Bible Translations Used if you want to know more about these publications, or if you don't recognize one of the other abbreviations used after the text reference.

Bible References in Italics

When chapter and verse numbers appear in italics in the Meditation portion of the lesson (in parentheses), it means that the text being identified can be found above, in the Scripture passage for that same meditation.

Further Study

For those who wish to take a bit more time to study each meditation can choose to become a member by paying a one-time signup fee, which will give you access to all the detailed meditations. Click here for more information on what is available to members, or for how to sign up. 

To give you an idea what new things you will discover as a member, the following symbols appear in the first five meditations in this chapter: {B} an expanded Scripture text;  {√} additional content; {t} more references to Bible texts; {µ} additional Greek or Hebrew words; {ƒ} one or more extra footnotes; {m} additional links to other meditations. Further, in Meditation #6 there is a special link (yellow button) to a free copy of the detailed version of this meditation.