
Receiving the Father's Promise means an Altered View of our World

After his resurrection, Jesus gave more instructions to his disciples about the kingdom of God over a period of forty days. Yet they still expected this ‘kingdom’ to be a political and territorial entity centered on their own nation, Israel. So Jesus gives them one final word: about what the coming of the Holy Spirit on them—as the ‘promise of the Father’—will mean, and about what it will not mean. Yes it will be for their fellow countrymen in Jerusalem and Judea. And yes, it will be about being ‘clothed’ with divine power. But the coming of the Spirit will be about much more than exercising divine power to preach and to heal. Many of them had already done that. And the Spirit’s coming would not answer their question about the Father’s ‘times and seasons’ for their own nation, or for any other nation. Instead, ‘the promise of the Father’ had more dimensions to it then they had yet experienced. So even after observing Jesus for three years, walking alongside the Father after having himself received the promised Holy Spirit, there were two important reasons why they still needed to wait to receive it. - JKM


LUKE  ( Acts 1:2b-5  GH[i] )

Jesus gave instructions to the apostles he had chosen…, ·standing beside them following his ordeal—alive by many clear demonstrations—over a forty-day period speaking about the kingdom of God. ·…He told them not to leave Jerusalem. ‘Instead, wait for the promise of the Father that YOU heard about from me. ·John baptized with water, but…YOU will be baptized with the Holy Spirit. 

(Luke 24:49)

Yes, I am sending upon YOU the promise of my Father; so YOU must sit tight in the city until YOU are clothed with power from on high.’ 

(Acts 1:6a)

And having indeed come together there...

(Luke 24:50a)

...he also led them outside of it, as far as the outskirts of Bethany.

(Acts 1:6b-9a)

‘Lord,’ they asked, ‘Are you restoring the kingdom to Israel at this time?’ ·But he said, ‘It is not for YOU to know the times or the seasons [Gr. kairous] that the Father has set within his own authority. ·Rather, when the Holy Spirit comes upon YOU, YOU will receive power and YOU will be my witnesses: both in Jerusalem and the whole of Judea, and in Samaria, even as far as the furthest place on the earth.' ·And while they were watching he was lifted up.

MARK (16:19)

So…the Lord Jesus was taken up into heaven; and he is seated at the right hand of God.

LUKE (Acts 1:15; 2:1-12)

The disciples and…a crowd of about a hundred and twenty…, ·during the celebration of the Day of Pentecost, were all together in one place ·when suddenly there came a sound from heaven like that of a strong driving wind; and it filled the entire house… ·Then there appeared to them what seemed like tongues [Gr. glossai] of fire, dividing and coming to rest on each one... ·So they were all filled with the Holy Spirit and began to speak different languages [Gr. glossais]…with the articulation the Spirit gave them. ·Now residing in Jerusalem there were devout Jewish men from every nation [Gr. ethnous]… ·And the crowd that gathered … was also bewildered, because each group heard their own dialect [Gr. dialekto] being spoken. ·...They all marvelled, ‘Are not all these… Galileans? How come we are each hearing our own native dialect [dialekto]?— ·Parthians, Medes and Elamites; residents of Mesopotamia as well as of Judea; also of Cappadocia, Pontus and Asia; ·of both Phyrgia and Pamphylia; of Egypt and the parts of Libya round Cyrene; also Roman expatriates, ·both Jews and proselytes, Cretans and Arabs! We hear them speaking of the great things of God in our own languages [glossais]!’

(Acts 2:14,16-18,20-24a)

Peter…raised his voice, ‘Men! Judeans and those residing in Jerusalem! …·This is the event spoken of by the prophet Joel. ·God says: 

"In the last days I will pour out my Spirit on all flesh. Then YOUR sons and YOUR daughters will be prophesying. YOUR young people will be seeing visions while YOUR old men will be dreaming dreams. ·Yes, on both my male...and my female servants I will pour out my Spirit…; both will be prophesying! ... ·The sunlight will be turned into darkness…before that great and memorable Day of the Lord comes. ·Then… everyone, whoever it may be, who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved.” [Joel 2:28-32a]

·Men! Israelites! ...Jesus the Nazarene was a man from God,…demonstrated to YOU by the powerful works, miracles and signs that God did through him in YOUR midst… ·By the…purpose and foreknowledge of God, through the hands of lawless men…crucifying him, YOU murdered this man ·whom God has raised to life…

(Acts 2:32-33,36,38-39)

This... Jesus..., ·having been exalted accordingly to God's right hand, as well as having received the promise of the Holy Spirit alongside the Father, he pours this out—what YOU are now seeing and hearing… ·God has made this Jesus…Lord as well as Messiah! …·YOU must repent, and each one of YOU must be baptized in the name of Jesus the Messiah for the forgiveness of YOUR sins, and YOU will receive the gift of the Holy Spirit. ·For this promise is to YOU and to YOUR children, and:

“to all those far away” [Isa.57:19b], “whomever the Lord our God will call to himself” [Joel 2:32c].’


After his resurrection, Jesus speaks to his disciples about the kingdom of God. That he was talking about the Father's kingdom (Med.#16) is underscored immediately by Luke’s reference to ‘the promise of the Father’—the coming of the Holy Spirit. Yet the disciples' view of the world, and of social order, will need to change if they are going to keep up with what their Father is about to do.

When the day of Pentecost arrives, women—like Mary (Act.1:14)—are filled with the Holy Spirit and stand prophesying to total strangers alongside men. So Peter connects the Father's promise to words of the prophet Joel. On a ‘great and memorable day of the Lord’, sometime after the sun is ‘turned to darkness’, God will pour out his Spirit on people of all ages and social classes—on both men and women! Thus, the ability to speak for God will no longer be limited to older males or to a religious elite. Coming to know God as Father—through the Holy Spirit—is thus not about a return to patriarchal religion. It is intended to be the exact opposite! For the promise of the Father and the ability to prophesy is for all humanity—for women as well as for men.

Now some of Jesus' disciples, both men and women, had already heard about the promised Holy Spirit from John the Baptist when they confessed their sins and were baptized by him. Yet they had to ‘wait’ to receive this promise for three reasons. They first needed to observe: how Jesus himself received ‘the promise alongside the Father’ at his baptism (Med.#26)—so that he could walk in the power of the Spirit on earth with his Father. Then Jesus shared this power with them so that they too could preach and perform miraculous signs in his name (Lk.9:1; 10:1,19), they still had to wait. Why? Well, the ‘promise of the Spirit’ is about more than just receiving divine power. So, secondly, ‘the promise of the Father’ would only come to them after Jesus had taken his place at the Father's ‘right hand’. Only after Jesus himself had become ‘heir of all things’ (Med.#7), could they too receive the Spirit as ‘the deposit’ on their inheritance (Med.#8), thus giving them a new position of authority in their own relationship with the Father (Med.#51).

Yet even after forty days of new instructions from their resurrected Lord, and after witnessing his ascension, they still had to wait about ten more days, till Pentecost, for a third reason. For the Father's ‘times and seasons [Gr. kairous]’ involve every nation [Gr. ethnos] on earth—and their territories (Act.1:7; 17:26; Jer.27:5-7). Yet, contrary to the expectations of the disciples' Jewish culture, the Father's kingdom will not be a strictly Jewish one, nor will it come in an obvious territorial way (Lk.20:21). So the only ‘seasons’ [Gr. kairoi] of the Father that Jesus wants his disciples to focus on are the ones in which ‘power’ and ‘refreshing’ (Act.3:20) are poured out on both Jews and on all other nations that are still spiritually ‘far away. For while the promise of the Father initially came exclusively to tens of thousands of Jews[ii], his family kingdom was going to encompass the whole world and include even Samaritans—the hated ethnic neighbors that Jews preferred to avoid (Med.#3).

And this is why the Father waited for the Feast of Weeks (Pentecost). For ‘Jews and proselytes (Jews by conversion)’ were already arriving in Jerusalem ‘from every nation [Gr. ethnous]’ to attend this yearly, week-long celebration of the first-fruits of the harvest. For the Father had planned that this ‘great and memorable Day’ would not only be multi-ethinc, but also multi-lingual. The Holy Spirit would empower Jesus' Galilean disciples to ‘speak’ in other ‘languages [Gr. glossais]. But more importantly (because God’s Word emphasizes it three times!), the Spirit would empower the people gathered to hear and understand in their own languages [glossais] and dialects [Gr. dialektos] about the ‘wonders’ that God was doing through Jesus.

By his actions on this Day, the Father wanted Jesus' disciples to remember that the Spirit was poured out so that people of all nations might call on him—to be saved, to be placed as his adult sons and daughters (Med.#4) and so become partners with them in the power of the Spirit to fulfill the Great Commission (Med.#87)! Further, it is not given to us to know the Father's ‘times and seasons’ for our own nation, nor the exact timing of Jesus' return and the end of the age. Yet we can participate in the one sign Jesus gave concerning when ‘the end will come’: the fulfillment the Great Commission—when people of all nations and ethnic groups on earth having had the chance to hear the good news of the Father’s kingdom, and understand it (Med.#89). All other ‘signs of the times’ that Jesus gave are only like birth pangs—which for a woman in labor can go on for many long hours. Thus, these other ‘signs’ merely indicate that Jesus' return is ‘near’ (Med.#88).

Have you understood the ‘promise of the Father’? In your church, are women, uneducated people and those from other ethnic groups treated as co-heirs of the Father and able to prophesy—to publicly speak God's words? The Father does have times and seasons for your nation. But is your church so focused on how the ‘end times’ might affect you and your nation that there is little commitment to missions? How can your church invest more money and people in taking the ‘promise of the Father’ to all nations on earth—so Jesus can finally return?


Father, from whom all fatherhood in heaven and on earth derives its name, strengthen us  through your Spirit so that we may have power—together with all the saints—to grasp the breadth, length, height and depth of the love of Christ, so that we all may be filled to the measure of your fullness, (Eph.3:14-19)[iii]

…to go and disciple all nations, baptizing people in the name of the Father, the Son and the Spirit… so that through the church, your wisdom in all its rich variety may now be made known, according to the eternal purpose which you have accomplished in Christ Jesus our Lord. (Mt.28:19-20; Eph.3:10-11)


[i] The Scripture Passage is taken from J.K. Mellis, The Good News of the Messiah by the Four Witnesses, pp.285-286, 289-291.

[ii] The Jerusalem church was exclusively Jewish. Based on initial ‘church-growth’ statements (Act.2:41,47; 4:4; 5:14 & 6:1) it initially increased in numbers to about 25,000 people (Wagner, Acts of the Holy Spirit: a modern commentary on the Book of Acts, Regal Books, 2000, pp.134-5).

[iii] Members can click on this link for a musical version of Paul’s Prayer (Ephesians 3:14-21)