Discover the full meaning of God as 'Father'...

... in 99 meditations, articles and lectures by drs. James Mellis.

These Bible meditations have been written to help you know God as your Father

On this website you will find 99 free meditations that cover all 295 direct references in the Bible about God as 'Father'.

Learn about more things you can find on this website by clicking here or on ‘About Us’ in the above menu.

Further your study of the Bible

If you are a pastor or Bible teacher, or interested in knowing God better through more in-depth study of the Bible, we also offer detailed versions of all meditations in our membership section.

As a member you will also get access to articles, video teachings and much more.

A short 'parable' [3:33].

What some people say about the Father Meditations

Start reading now

If you are coming to this website for the first time, I encourage you to go right to Meditation #1.

First time visitors without a church background may want to begin with Meditation #3, before returning to the first meditation.

After watching the short introduction video and reading each meditation, you can progress to the following meditation by clicking on the blue button. Or if you are logged in as a member, you can also choose to first click on the green button in order to view the original, more detailed version of the meditation.