
The Father in the Tanakh (Old Testament)

In these 5 meditations, we look at the things God first revealed to the people of Israel about his being their Father—truths that are foundational for knowing him, but are also limited. Even so, they also contain hints about a new level of relationship with him that people of all nations would one day enjoy… in the Messiah. And when he came, Jesus was building on this biblical foundation when he began speaking to his disciples and the crowds about 'YOUR Father' in the Sermon on the Mount.

Bible translation reminders

The word 'YOU' in capitals in the Scripture passage indicates that the second person in the Greek text is plural. A group of people is being addressed. When you see a 'you' in lower case, you know that the Greek is singular, and a single individual is being addressed.

The translations being used are indicated with an abbreviation. If you don't recognize one of these abbreviations, see the list of all the abbreviations in Bible Translations Used.

Bible References in Italics

When chapter and verse numbers appear in italics in the Meditation portion of the lesson (in parentheses), it means that the text being identified can be found above, in the Scripture passage for that same Meditation.

Further Study

Those who wish to take a bit more time to study each meditation, will need to pay a nominal subscription fee to read the detailed meditations.  Click here for more information on what is available to members, or for how to sign up.